burial mound

美 [ˈberiəl maʊnd]英 [ˈberiəl maʊnd]
  • 网络古墓;古坟
burial moundburial mound


(archeology) a heap of earth placed over prehistoric tombs
Synonym: grave mound barrow tumulus


  1. King kwangkaeto 's burial mound remains desecrated and unattended .


  2. He found himself beside a burial mound next morning when he woke up .


  3. Archaeologists are investigating whether the small hill is really a burial mound .


  4. Burial mound in south of Anhui province is an important area of the research about the south region of Yangtze River .


  5. Other notable discoveries made possible by the virtual excavation includes 17 new shrine-like structures and a 108-foot long burial mound .


  6. He did not seem to notice a small cornfield where someone had dug a burial mound of fresh red dirt .


  7. The center burial mound in a unit is not only manifested in its connotation of excavations , but also in its bulldozer scale .


  8. Usually , within a unit of each burial mound , if there is a large mound , there will be surrounded with several smaller mounds , or arrangement with the center as radial distribution .


  9. Burial mound is a unique burial , which characterized mound of Shang and Zhou dynasties to the middle and south region of Yangtze River , in Jiangsu , Zhejiang and south of Anhui province .


  10. As she showed us around the Skidbladner , a full-size replica of a ship found in a Norwegian Viking burial mound in the 19th century , she told us about the Royal Air Force base that once formed the basis of Unst 's economy .
